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Ricardo León Correia

I am a software developer with more than 6 years of experience in various sectors such as telecommunications, taxes and low-code / no-code systems. I am distinguished by my collaboration in teamwork and the generation of proposals for improvement in projects. I specialize in Javascript technologies.

Social Media Scheduler Landing Page

Social Media Scheduler pretends to automate the process how businesses do digital marking in social networks. The curiosity for building a SaaS business (from payments to third party API connections, and more) made me build this MVP.

ReactStyled ComponentsNextJSTypescriptReact Testing LibraryGitLab CIVercel
Social Media Image

Amazon Review Score Predictor

Using Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques, a machine learning model was build to predict products rating based on the title and body texts of its reviews. Working on this project gave me tools and techniques to improve data analysis.

NLP image

Shiny Rain App

Using R and Shiny, Rain App uses real weather and the Random Forest algorithm to predict if the next day will rain. This helps to visualize how the model works according the parameter values.

Rain Image

Automated Resume

With R, R Markdown and the pagedown package, I can use markdown and CSS to generate a resume in pdf format. I wanted to make easier the job to update this document.

Resume Image